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Açai Very Berry

Açaí (ah-sigh-ee) fruit is a small, deep-purple berry that grows in the Amazon floodplains on the tall, slender Açaí palm tree, which is a native of the Brazilian Rainforest. The edible fruit is small and round resembling a grape, but smaller and darker and is produced in branched panicles of 700 to 900 fruits.  Only two crops of fruit are produced per year.   The berry contains a single, large seed with very little pulp and is surrounded by stringy fibrous sheaths and a thin, oily coating. 

The Açaí has been used for thousands of years by the indigenous tribes of the area for its extraordinary nutritional and healing qualities, Brazilians actually call it the "Tree of Life."  Studies show that Açaí has up to 30x the antioxidant content as red wine grapes and is considered to have the best nutritional value of any fruit on earth.

It is only possible eat fresh Açaí if you happen to live in the Amazon Rainforest. Açaí is very perishable and spoils within 24 hours of being picked from the Açaí palm tree. The rest of us can get Açaí pulp frozen, in a freeze dried powder, or in a concentrated form.

The Amazon's perfect "super berry” is believed to be an exceptional antioxidant, which prevents destructive, oxidative damage to tissues and cells. Its fatty acids are believed to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis, stroke and heart attack.


The French have a very rich diet consisting of cheese, sugar, coffee, nicotine, sugar and white flour. One would expect the French to have a very high rate of heart disease with this type of diet; however, the opposite is true. The ability of the French to consume a heart clogging diet and yet have a very low rate of heart disease has been labelled the “French Paradox.”
Researchers now believe the reason for the “French Paradox” is anthocyanins. The French drink a significant amount of red wine, and the anthocyanins in grapes is what is believed to be responsible for the very low incidence of heart disease. It is not by accident that the colour of the Açaí is similar to the colour of red wine, although the Açaí has 30x times more anthocyanins than grapes.
Anthocyanins are pigments belonging to the flavonoid group, red-blue phenols with powerful antioxidant properties that give plants their colour. Anthocyanins provide a high degree of antioxidant capacity that fights free radical damage in the body and builds the body's natural defences.  Fruits with this type of pigmentation tend to have the great ORAC values, which are bursting with anthocyanins.

ORAC & Antioxidants

ORAC, (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is a testing method used in determining how well a phytonutrient (plant derived nutrient) will be utilized in fighting diseases initiated by oxidative stress caused by free oxygen radicals. Oxygen radicals can damage cells by a process called oxidation much the same as rust will do damage to metals. ORAC is a way to measure a specific phytonutrients ability to absorb these oxygen radicals to help in preventing cellular damage.

In short, ORAC is a lab analysis that can measure the antioxidant activity of any substance and give it a number. The higher the ORAC number, the stronger the antioxidant properties of the substance. Fruits and vegetables tend to have the highest ORAC values. Per 100 grams - Apples score a 218, Bananas 221, blueberries 2,400, while Acai berries have an amazing 5,500 ORAC score.

Omega Oils

Açaí fruit is rich in essential fatty acids and is said to be very beneficial for good coronary health. Feeling oily to the touch and very rich in healthy Omega fats, nearly 1/3 of the Açaí berry is fat with 74% of the fat coming from healthy unsaturated fats such as Omega 6 (linoleic acid) and Omega 9 (oleic acid).

Excellent Source of Fibre
Açaí is an excellent source of fibre with an amazing 44.2 grams of fibre per 100 grams of Açaí. This means a 68 gram serving of Açaí would provide all the recommended daily dietary fibre for an adult (30 grams of fibre).

Rich in Amino Acids and Protein

7.59% of the weight of the Açaí pulp is from amino acids. 19 different amino acids have been identified in Açaí. Since amino acids are the building blocks of protein, it is no surprise that there are over 8 grams of protein in a 100 gram serving of Açaí.

Excellent source of Plant Sterols

Three plant sterols (or photosterols) have been identified in Açaí; B-sitosterol, campesterol and sigmasterol. Photosterols have been shown to have numerous health benefits for maintaining healthy heart and digestive function.

Good source of Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E are all present in Açaí. In fact, Açaí contains as much Vitamin C as blueberries and has over 1000 IU of Vitamin A for every 100 grams of Açaí. In addition, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc are all found in Açaí.

Benefits to Expect from Açaí
  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • Cleanses and detoxifies the body
  • Rejuvenates the mind, body and spirit
  • Increase energy, libido and stamina
  • Promotes healthy skin, hair and nails
  • Maintains the healthy function of bodily systems and organs

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#2170 - 1368 Kingsway Ave. Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada, V3C 6P4