- Açai Very Berry
- Antioxidants and Free Radicals
- Building Bone Density
- CoQ10 - Q&A
- Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails
- Inflammation and Health
- Omega-3
- Vitamins
- Vitamins and Supplements For Your Age

Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails

Healthy hair, nails and glowing skin are sure signs of beauty. Proper nutrition is one way to promote beauty from the inside out. A healthy balanced diet that consists of a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables will help provide essential nutrients for overall health and beauty. Vitamins, minerals and other supplements can further improve your nutritional status to ensure healthy hair, skin and nails.

: The quality of your hair depends upon your overall general health. A diet containing adequate protein and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables is best for beautiful and healthy hair. In addition to a healthy, varied diet, a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement provides nutrients potentially beneficial for healthy hair.

Optimal hair growth occurs when we are in good health. In particular, normal stores of iron and normal blood concentrations of certain B vitamins, such as folate and vitamin B-12, are also necessary. A B-complex or Super B-complex supplement may be helpful to promote healthy hair if B vitamins are lacking in the diet. In addition, healthy individuals who experience increased hair loss or shedding may be deficient in iron and should have their iron checked by their doctor. Additional iron can help those who are iron deficient, and an iron supplement would be recommended.
Along with eating properly and taking the right supplements, it is also important to comb and brush hair regularly. Brushing hair helps release the oil at the roots of hair and gives hair a natural gloss and helps to make it soft.

There are some environmental factors that can negatively affect healthy hair. A polluted atmosphere, scorching heat, or a sultry climate can adversely affect the beauty of hair. In addition, a high amount of stress and certain diseases can also negatively impact the health of hair. If you are exposed to these conditions take extra steps to ensure your hair’s health through good nutrition and lifestyle habits.

: While age and genetics define some skin issues, there are steps you can take to help your skin maintain its elasticity and tone. Skin is built of collagen, a strong connective tissue that helps skin look and feel firm. As we age, the collagen breaks down, partly because of oxidation caused by free radicals. Free radicals are found in the environment and are formed in our bodies constantly. When left uncontrolled, these compounds can have damaging effects for our body and our skin, which is why addressing free radical activity can be so beneficial.

The accumulation of environmental exposure to free radicals from UV radiation, cigarette smoke, pollution, etc., plus the internal oxidation and breakdown of collagen that occurs with age, can cause skin to lose its tone and glow. The right supplements can support proper skin structure and cell renewal. Antioxidants such as vitamins C, E and beta-carotene, and the mineral selenium, fight off free radicals to help protect skin from damage. Antioxidants are the skin’s best defense against free radicals, which cause premature aging.

Other nutrients that are beneficial to the skin are the essential fatty acids. In particular, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil and flaxseed oil may help combat irritation to the skin.
Water and sunscreen are also vital to fight premature aging of the skin. Water helps hydrate the skin, giving collagen a surge of moisture. Sunscreen is most important for protecting our skin! It is essential for fighting off the sun’s ultraviolet rays that contribute to skin damage. Always wear sunscreen with an SPF 15 or higher, even on cloudy days.

: Healthy nails are also important to overall beauty. Genetics may not be in your favor if you have always had soft brittle nails that break easily. However, a poor diet and/or an underlying medical condition (such as hypothyroidism) can also contribute to poor nail health. Although a sufficient amount of scientific evidence is lacking, the B vitamin biotin, for those deficient in biotin, may help to help restore dry, brittle nails. Food sources of biotin include egg yolk, soybeans, organ meats (such as liver and kidney), yeast, cheese and barley. Biotin is also available in supplement form or in a B complex supplement.

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