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Building Bone Density

A healthy diet, exercise, and a well-balanced supplement regimen are important elements for supporting bone health. A bone-friendly diet should include calcium and vitamin D-rich foods. Calcium, the most abundant mineral in the body, plays a critical role in building and maintaining bones and teeth.

Over time, a calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis, a condition categorized by thin, brittle bones that are easily broken. A consistent adequate intake of calcium is a key factor in preventing osteoporosis.

Good sources of calcium are low-fat or nonfat milk, which contain up to 300 mg of calcium per 8 ounce serving, and are also a good source of vitamin D. Other dairy products, such as low-fat cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt and ice milk contain various amounts of calcium. Some dried fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, and fortified foods such as orange juice provide calcium as well.

Vitamin D is critical to bone health because it is necessary for the absorption of calcium and bone development. Unfortunately, Vitamin D deficiency has emerged as a widespread concern across the United States affecting more than 70% of Americans. With that said, it is very important to ensure adequate vitamin D status in the body by consuming vitamin D-rich foods or supplements. Natural sources of vitamin D include organ meats such as liver, fresh fish such as salmon, and egg yolk. Fortified milk and some ready-to-eat cereals also contain vitamin D. If these foods aren’t abundant in the diet, taking a daily vitamin D supplement containing at least 1000 IU is recommended. Lastly, the sun can also help meet one’s vitamin D needs since the body can make vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunlight.

There are other nutrients involved in bone health. Magnesium is beneficial to bones because it works with calcium and vitamin D to enhance bone metabolism. According to NHANES data, adequate magnesium is especially important, since up to 50% of the population has inadequate dietary intake of magnesium. In addition, higher intakes of magnesium have also been associated with higher total bone mass in healthy middle-aged women. Whole grains and nuts are very good sources of magnesium. Other good food sources of magnesium are legumes, green leafy vegetables, seafood, and--yummy--chocolate and cocoa.

Vitamin K is also important for bone health and is necessary for adequate bone mineral density. Green leafy vegetables and some vegetable oils such as olive, soybean and canola oils are the major dietary sources of vitamin K.

Soy may also play a role in bone health. Soy contains phytoestrogens (isoflavones) that have weak estrogen-like effects. Estrogen has a protective effect on bone. As we age, however, our estrogen levels decline. Consuming soy-based foods or a soy isoflavone supplement may help to support healthy bones as we age--especially for women going through menopause and for postmenopausal women as well.

If you are like most people, it may be difficult to consume these foods in your diet on a daily basis. If you are missing out on some or all of these key nutrients, dietary supplements are recommended. Be sure to take them with food to maximize absorption.

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